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再會了玫瑰 Vive la Rose


加拿大 Canada│2009│00:06:22 │定格動畫、戶外拍攝手繪動畫 Stop motion, Paint animation shot outdoors

關於作品 / Work

〈再會了玫瑰〉描述加拿大紐芬蘭的一段傳說,在這個淒美的愛情故事,一位男子歌唱憂鬱的語調向他的摯愛道別。作品改編自當地音樂家Émile Benoit的歌曲,
藝術家Bruce Alcock找到一處切合歌曲中真誠情感的理想場景-一座被漁夫廢棄的小屋。

這部令人讚賞的動畫,全景皆在戶外拍攝,場景仿照海邊捕魚人家:魚叉、貝殼、漂流木與岩石,搭配Émile Benoit粗曠嗓音及獨特腔調,意外地相配營造出歌曲所描述的畫面。作品創新的影像架構,將畫面分為三部分,每一部分都映照著歌曲中述說的故事。


“Vive la Rose” is the moving tale of a tragic love story set in Newfoundland, in which a simple man raises his voice in melancholy farewell to his beloved. The film is based on a song by local musician Émile Benoit. Director Bruce Alcock finds the ideal setting for the song’s raw emotion: a fisherman’s abandoned cabin.

In this spectacular animation filmed outdoors, items familiar to those who live by the sea – fish hooks, shells, driftwood, and rocks – lend the film an unusual physicality to match the rough voice and singular language of Émile Benoit. “Vive la Rose” embraces an innovative structure, dividing the screen into three parts, each mirroring an aspect of the song.


策展人選件 / About Curators



“Vive la Rose” represents a time elapsing by outdoor shooting and time-lapse photography. The work depicts the scenery gazing from a cabin and memory in the dray with objective shots and long-take perspective. The screen of the film is divided into three separate parts: real objects, animating images, and handwritten poetry. By the position of camera shooting and drawings transferring from excellently computing moving images, the work expresses strong emotion to the beloved in the way of natural craftiness with the computer technique aiding.


藝術家 / Artist : Bruce Alcock

Bruce Alcock生於加拿大紐芬蘭,在遠赴西班牙巴塞隆納,向動畫家Dirk Van de Vondel學習動畫前,主修低音號及比較文學。學成歸國後,他在多倫多成立了「咖啡動畫工作室」,接著在芝加哥暫居五年,籌組製片公司Tricky Pictures執導廣告。最後他定居在溫哥華,成立另一間製片公司Global Mechanic。他的作品以多樣性的技法聞名,Alcock在國際上知名作品包括:〈電話留言錯誤〉(2003),〈昆特酒店的故事〉(2005)及第一次與加拿大國家電影局合作拍攝的〈再會了玫瑰〉(2008)。


Born in Newfoundland, Bruce Alcock studied the tuba and comparative literature before moving to Barcelona, where he began learning about animation with animator Dirk Van de Vondel. Returning to Canada, he founded Cuppa Coffee Animation in Toronto. He then moved to Chicago, where he continued directing commercials with his next production company. Tricky Pictures, for five years. Later he settled in Vancouver, where he founded the production company Global Mechanic. As well as his commercial work featuring a multiplicity of techniques, Alcock makes internationally outstanding personal films: “Wrong Number Phone Message” (2003), “At the Quinte Hotel” (2005) and “Vive la Rose” (2008), the last being his first partnership with the NFB (National Film Board of Canada).

