首頁Index參展作品 Works > 說你愛我 Please Say Something

說你愛我 Please Say Something


愛爾蘭 Ireland│2009│00:10:00│3D電腦動畫 3D Computer animation

關於作品 / Work



“Please Say Something”is a film the artist started in 2008 to explore new approaches to 3D animation which did not involve realism. The story focuses on a relationship between a Cat and a Mouse, a very traditional theme in cartoons, and updates it for the 21st Century.


策展人選件 / From Curators

〈說你愛我〉以一隻貓與老鼠的愛情故事為主軸。敘事過程中以測色版(Color bar)作為模板來替故事標註出每一幕的發展。這件作品以3D技術做出早期flash動畫平塗式色塊的視覺效果,進一步在平面效果中凸顯3D技術的表現,例如以粒子特效(Particle)做出火焰及風雨的意象,還有以線框(Wireframe)作為回憶的表現等等。


“Please Say Something” tells a love story between a cat and a mouse. The color bar pattern remarks the development of each scene during the narration. This work represents flat patching of early Flash visual effect by 3D technique, which means highlighting 3D technique within 2D effect, such as the illusion of flame, wind and rain by particle effects, and representation of memory by the wireframe.


藝術家/Artist : David OReilly

David OReilly為愛爾蘭藝術家及製片者,現工作於洛杉磯。


David OReilly is an Irish artist and filmmaker currently based in Los Angeles.

