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晨間散步 A Morning Stroll

英國 UK│2011│00:06:48│Flash軟體、電腦生成圖像 Flash, CGI

關於作品 / Work


根據Paul Auster代表作《美式生活的真實傳說》短篇集的真實事件,〈晨間散步〉描述一位紐約客在早上散步途中巧遇一隻雞,故事情節橫跨一百年。


“When a New Yorker walks past a chicken on his morning stroll, we’re left to wonder which one is the real city slicker…”

Based loosely on a real life event recounted in Paul Auster’s brilliant book True Tales of American Life, Grant Orchard’s “A Morning Stroll” tells the story of one New Yorker’s early morning encounter with a chicken, an event that plays out over 100 years.


策展人選件 / From Curators



“A Morning Stroll” is inspired by a true story of an encounter between a New Yorker and a chicken, and brings the audience from 1959 to 2009 and then into 2059. The multiple parallel time-space narration connects different development ages of animation. The work intends to remark a special style of each age by image techniques. For example, simple lines of the animation and the film effect in the black and white movie era, the 2D-like monochromatic computer animation or the pixelization in the color television era, and finally the vivid presentation for subtle gradations of light and shade in 3D computer animation.


藝術家 / Artist : Grant Orchard

Grant Orchard居住工作於英國倫敦,為動畫導演及設計師,獲「BAFTA英國電影學院獎」及奧斯卡金像獎提名,在兩次「D&AD英國設計廣告獎」表現優異,近期作品〈晨間散步〉獲頒日舞影展獎項。
1997年他加入英國動畫製片公司STUDIO AKA,不久以獨特設計及擅用不同視野完成作品引起注意,創作作品驚艷各方客戶,如Compaq、Skype、Barclays和Orange。



Grant Orchard is a BAFTA winning and Oscar nominated animation director and designer who lives and works in London. He has won two prestigious D&AD awards and recently won at Sundance for his film “A Morning Stroll”.
He joined STUDIO AKA in 1997, and soon gained attention for his idiosyncratic design and his ability to approach projects from many different angles. He has created many an eye-catching spot for clients as diverse as Compaq, Skype, Barclays and Orange.

Alongside that he has, in his own words, “moved a whole bunch of small shapes around.” As his hugely successful “Love Sport”series testifies.
