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坎特一號的誕生 Ketel One - Generations


加拿大 Canada │2014│00:00:30│活版印刷、2D & 3D動畫 Traditional Letterpress, 2D & 3D Animation

關於作品 / Work

酒瓶上的故事道盡了一切:一個家族傳承超過十代的事業,一點一滴地讓伏特加坎特一號,在荷蘭的斯奇丹-這個美麗小鎮誕生。藝術家The Juggernaut以敘事文體配上低沈嗓音旁白,藉由雷射和傳統活字印刷創作出3D電腦動畫,呈現坎特一號的歷史根源和現代製酒工藝。


Much of their story is right there on the bottle: family owned and operated for over ten generations, Ketel One vodka is crafted from small batches in the picturesque city of Schiedam, Holland. The Juggernaut wanted to showcase Ketel One’s historic roots but also emphasize its modern approach to its craft, something the artist did narratively but also stylistically, by combining drones, lasers and letterpress with classic and 3D animation.


策展人選件 / From Curators

〈坎特一號的誕生〉使用空拍攝影機、Google Map、Google Earth等技術將城市的景象先以3D動畫及虛擬攝影機製成影片,透過繪圖軟體將人物動態設定完成後,以此為素材進行手繪,再用雷射切割木版製作出版畫原版,經壓印後保留木頭紋理,最後串連成為連續影像。成功地運用數位時代所發展的技術融入動畫製作當中。


“Ketel One - Generations” creates the city scene by using aerial camera, Google Map, Google Earth. First, the artist produces images by 3D animation and virtual camera, and then they set up dynamic figures by the graphics software. After that, they draw images according to above materials, and then make the letterpress by wood laser cutting. Finally, images are followed to a continuous flow. This work blends successfully techniques of the digital age into animation production.


導演 / Director : Craig Small

Craig Small為獲獎創意總監及加拿大動畫工作室The Juggernaut的創辦者,兼具設計師、動畫家及導演的身分,也擅長運用多樣技術和風格,創作新穎多元題材的作品,他常受邀至電影節及學校座談,講述所發表過的多部作品,也是加拿大廣電設計協會及影視學院的投票會員。
在2002年創立The Juggernaut前,Craig於多倫多附近的知名海報設計公司工作十多年。多才多藝的他被各大知名電視台和製片工作室的爭相詢問。他已為許多知名品牌拍攝商業形象廣告,如百威啤酒、本田汽車、拉霸特藍啤酒、Bell、BMW,以及加拿大最廣為人知的Molson啤酒廣告〈我是加拿大人〉。他的創作曾兩次在艾美獎中提名,和許多國際知名動畫設計巨擘如:David Carson、Chris Landreth及Clyde Henry Productions合作過。



Craig Small is the award-winning Executive Creative Director and co-founder of The Juggernaut. He’s a designer/animator/director who uses a variety of techniques and styles to produce fresh, genre-bending work. He is frequently invited to speak at film festivals and schools about his work, which has been featured in numerous publications. He is a voting member of BDA (Broadcast Designers Association) and the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television.
Craig worked with several top design and post houses around Toronto for over a decade before starting The Juggernaut in 2002. Craig’s versatility has made him a highly sought-after player among broadcasters, production studios and every major agency on an A-list string of accounts. He has directed numerous commercials and identities for well-known brands including Budweiser, Honda, Labatt Blue, Bell, BMW, as well the iconic Joe Canada “I Am Canadian” spot for Molson. His title designs have twice been nominated for Emmy Awards and he has collaborated with international design and animation giants including David Carson, Chris Landreth and Clyde Henry Productions.

Craig is currently developing an animated short based on the successful 2010 graphic novel KENK. The film, to be produced in collaboration with the NFB (National Film Board of Canada), combines stop-motion papercraft and hand-drawn animation and is scheduled for release in 2015. He is a voting member of BDA (Broadcast Designers Association) and the Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television.
