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《分類學 5》 / Taxonomy 5

費南多‧賈西亞‧瑪密耶卡《新星》2012 8' 55"

伊莎貝爾‧佩里絲‧德爾‧葆嘉《分類學 5》
Isabel Perez del Pulgar (SPAIN) Taxonomy 5, 2012, 4' 29"


This work is an integral part of the series-Taxonomy project. Project consists of 5 videos and a photographic series. The definition of the term Taxonomy is given as the study of kinship between organisms and their evolutionary history. Beyond its definition within a framework of management and scientific classification, I propose the relationship between the body as an organic and her various organizations. Fractured realities by way of mirrors that reflect the subjective image. Subjective perception dependent individual, the fragile and ephemeral nature of the organic structure that gun body and established communication directly with consciousness. Parallel to have awareness and knowledge, both consciously and unconsciously, of finitude, the decline in short the idea of death and denial.
