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《新星》 Neonova

費南多‧賈西亞‧瑪密耶卡《新星》2012 8' 55"

費南多‧賈西亞‧瑪密耶卡《新星》2012 8' 55"
Fernado Garcia Malmierca (Spain) Neonova, 2012, 8' 55"


Neonova is a work of construction and simulation of future human evolution. Represented humans height is greater, the dorsal curve more pronounced, the skull is oversized, there is entire loss of hair and the toes are atrophied. This may indicate a natural logic of evolutionary behavior, but above all, this work, where beings carry implanted authentic subcutaneous mechanical osmosis that increase its specialization and functionality, seeks to address the issue of genetic manipulation..
