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策展理念Curatorial Philosophy




「2014魔幻動畫展」延續往年策展精神,除了往年廣受觀眾喜愛的「2014年安錫動畫影展」、「2014年渥太華動畫影展」,今年更收錄「2013布魯塞爾動畫影展」、「 2013 SIGGRAPH ASIA 電腦動畫影展」的精采作品,讓台灣的觀眾一覽世界各地的動畫創作能量與脈動。此外,今年主更創立了「魔幻動畫獎」,以獎項競賽的方式,向全球華人徵件。參賽作品風格、創作手法多元,展現全球華人動畫的獨立創作精神與令人驚豔的動畫美學創意。註:放映場次請以影展現場及官方網站公告為主。


Inheriting the philosophy embodied in previous AnimAs, the AnimA 2014 not only introduces the creative and popular works exhibited in the 2014 Annecy International Animation Film Festival and the 2014 Ottawa International Animation Festival but also includes those presented at the 2013 Brussels Animation Film Festival and the 2013 SIGGRAPH ASIA Computer Animation Festival, which allows the audience in Taiwan to experience the energy of creativity and the state-of-the-art animations around the world
In addition, the organizer further establishes the AnimA Awards, calling for entries from Chinese animation filmmakers around the globe. The submitted works demonstrate diverse styles and techniques and highlight the independent spirit of Chinese animations and the amazing creativity in animation aesthetics. (Note: For the detailed screening schedule, please check at the venue or visit the official website )

