寂寞碼頭 The Solitary Pier



導演/Director : 史明輝 Jack Shih

海面上飄來了一支瓶子,承載著一段動人的故事。 在東海有一座老漁村,漁民們有著一脈相傳的血緣關係,他們破曉前出港,日昇後返航,日復一日的豐收早晨,道說著漁市的熱絡與情感。 一位女子、瓶子,牽繫著一曲離港30哩的孤寂,這是一個被村民遺忘的地方,他們都叫它──「寂寞碼頭」。 寂寞碼頭住著一位老漁夫,他不愛熱鬧,但卻有魚群、海鳥、浪花、烏龜和一隻小黑狗為伴,寂寞碼頭……其實一點也不寂寞。

A floating bottle arrives via the sea carrying a moving story in it. In East Sea, there is an old fishing village where most of the fishermen are related by blood. They set off before dawn and come back at sunrise; every morning they enjoy their big catches in the bustling fish market and share things in their lives. A woman and a bottle; they are connected to the solitude thirty miles away from the village. They call it the "Solitary Pier". It is a spot forgotten by the villagers. An old fisherman lives here alone as he doesn't like any company. But in fact, there are schools of fish, flocks of birds, bales of turtles, the lapping waves and a little black dog… The "Solidary Pier" is not a lonely place at all.

  • 史明輝 Jack Shih
  • 導演史明輝,曾就讀加州藝術學院和紐約普瑞特藝術學院動畫所,目前從事動畫教育工作暨動畫電影導演。近期作品《願快樂》短片獲得信誼基金會兒童文學獎動畫類首獎,以及希臘科孚島動畫影展評審團獎,長片劇本獲得100年度新聞局優良劇本優等獎。曾擔任電影長片《不倒翁的奇幻旅程》和《我十九歲》的動畫指導。導演動畫原創作品榮獲國內外多座獎項,包括第四十四屆金馬獎最佳創作短片、第四屆和第十屆台北電影獎動畫短片、四座金穗獎和美國電視艾美獎等多項國際影展得獎與入圍肯定。

    Jack Shih studied at CalArts for experimental animation and Pratt Institute for Computer Art. He is now teaching animation and working as an independent animation filmmaker for over a decade. He is consistently making efforts for the original animation developments in Taiwan. His previous films were honored by various international film festivals, including Golden Horse Film Award, Taipei Film Award, four times Golden Harvest Awards, and U.S. TV Emmy Awards.
