童樂 Playing the piano



導演/Director : 陳宜謙 Chen, Yi-Qian


While playing the piano, a little girl gradually enters her music imaginary world by playing the keys of the piano. With the melody of the music, the notes on the music score turn into little creatures, which play games with the little girl.

  • 陳宜謙
  • 1986年生於台灣台北,自輔仁大學應用美術系畢業,現為國立臺北藝術大學新媒體藝術研究所學生,主修動畫藝術。平時喜歡觀察、研究人的心理與行為,並表現於創作中。作品多以視覺影像與動畫創作為主,擅長美術畫面氛圍的營造。喜歡嘗試不同媒材與類型的影像製作,實驗動畫表現的各種可能性。

    Yi-Qian Chen born in Taipei, Taiwan in 1986. Graduated from Department of Applied Art, Fujen Catholic University. Currently studying in New Media Art Institute, Taipei National University of the Arts. She Likes to observe and study the human psychology and behavior, and express it in her creations. Her works are dominated by visual videos and animation creations, and she specializes in creating an artistic ambiance. She Likes to try different media and different kinds of video making, possibility of expressions of experimental animation.
