《兩星期─兩分鐘》 Two Weeks - Two Minutes


加拿大Canada│2013│00:02:35│凸版印刷於賽璐璐版上 Printed with letterpress on clear film stock

導演 / Director : Judith Poirier


在芝加哥書與紙藝術中心(CBPA)為期兩週的駐村中,Judith Poirier使用凸版印刷術同時在紙張及35mm膠卷上進行印刷。打字、老手法及裝飾印刷在賽璐璐版上製成動畫及配樂。影片模仿了書本的形式,編輯成兩個垂直螢幕並排,提供不同的閱讀體驗。在芝加哥的這段期間製作了觀察的拼貼「24頁書」,是直接使用CBPA的金屬和木材類型收藏,在印刷機上直接設置的。這本書本身也捕捉了影片製作的過程。製作此作品的工作室由哥倫比亞大學芝加哥書與紙藝術中心於2012年夏天提供,是為伊利諾伊藝術委員會資助的藝術家駐村計畫之一。

Two Weeks – Two Minutes, a film and a book, explores the double page format and the notion of time in both media.

During a two-week residency at the Center for Book and Paper Arts (CBPA) in Chicago, Judith Poirier printed simultaneously on paper and 35mm film stock using letterpress. The type, clichés and ornaments printed on celluloid generate the animation as well as the soundtrack. Edited as two vertical screens, side by side, the film mimics the format of its book companion suggesting a different reading experience. The 24 page book, a collage of observations made during this time in Chicago, was set directly on the press using the CBPA's collection of metal and wood type. The book itself also captures the passage of the film stock on the press. Studio support for the creation of this work was provided by the Columbia College Chicago Center for Book sand Paper Arts in the summer of 2012 under an artist in residence program supported by the Illinois Arts Council.


  • Judith Poirier
  • 倫敦皇家藝術學院碩士,目前於蒙特婁居住及工作。任教於魁北克大學蒙特利爾分校設計學院。


    Judith Poirier (MA Royal College of Art, London) lives and works in Montreal. She teaches at the École de design, Université du Québec à Montréal. Her work focuses on experimental typography through film, book design and printmaking. She uses letterpress, exploring connections between the printed page and the cinema screen.
