《風》 Wind


德國German│2013│00:3:49│2D電腦動畫2D Computer

導演 / Director : Robert Loebel



The daily life of people living in a windy area who seem helplessly exposed to the weather. However, the inhabitants have learned to deal with their difficult living conditions and manage to master their daily life in a resourceful way. It almost seems as though everything functions automatically and the wind is even beneficial to their lifestyle. But all of a sudden the air stands mysteriously still.

  • Robert Loebel
  • Robert畢業於德國漢堡應用科技大學。其畢業作品兼出道作為短片《風》。目前於柏林生活及工作。

    Robert graduated with the Film “WIND” in the end of 2012 at the University for Applied Sciences in Hamburg, Germany.

    WIND is his debut film. He now lives and work in Berlin.
