晴朗的午後 Sunny Afternoon


2012 | Austria | DIGITAL | 6'50" | Experimental/Abstract Animation | Pencil on paper, Other

導演/Director : Thomas Renoldner

「晴朗的午後」是電影本身的自我敘述,也把這耗時20年的計畫帶到結局。電影分為兩個部分:第一部份由「視覺音樂」的觀念來發掘時空結構之美;第二部分探 討不同程度的描寫:現實的景象、現實的呈現及虛幻甚至抽象,並藉此分析美學畫 面的意義及可能性。


Sunny Afternoon is a self-portrait that brings a 20-year film project to an end. It is a film in two parts: the first follows a "visual music" concept and explores the aesthetic of structures in time and space; the second explores different levels of depiction: images of reality, representation of reality, illusion and even abstraction and so analyses the meaning and possibilities of the artistic image.
